Human Resources Q & A

You have questions we have answers regarding Human Resources.

This page contains links that allow you to download a variety of answers to questions regarding human resources.

If you cannot identify and/or download the form you need for completion, please contact our office, and we will assist you with the answers to your questions as soon as possible.



HR Q&A: Document Retention   

HR Q&A: Document Retention                                     

HR Q&A: Background Checks                                       

HR Q&A: Vision Insurance                                             

HR Q&A: Dental Benefits                                               

HR Q&A: Job Descriptions

HR Q&A: Severance Pay

HR Q&A: Reasonable Accommodation

HR Q&A: Independent Contractors

HR Q&A: COBRA Eligibility

HR Q&A: Drug Testing

HR Q&A: Social Media

HR Q&A: Exempt Employees

HR Q&A: Workplace Investigation

HR Q&A: COBRA Termination

HR Q&A: COBRA Lenth of Entitlement

HR Q&A: HIPAA Notification Requirements

HR Q&A: Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

HR Q&A: Credit and Consumer Reports

HR Q&A: Determining If COBRA Applies

HR Q&A: Return from Workers' Compensation

HR Q&A: Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs)

HR Q&A: How HIPAA Affects You

HR Q&A: Job - protected Leave

HR Q&A: Short-term Disability

HR Q&A: Rules for I-9 Forms

HR Q&A: FMLA- Maintaining Health Benefits

HR Q&A: FMLA Recordkeeping

HR Q&A: COBRA Notification Requirements- Qualified Beneficiary Responsibilities

 HR Q&A: HIPAA Privacy Rules- Who They Apply To

 HR Q&A: COBRA Notification Requirements- Employer Responsibilities

 HR Q&A: Intermittent FMLA Leave

HR Q&A: Employer Notification of FMLA Leave

HR Q&A: Ressignment to Vacant Position as Reasonable Accommdation

HR Q&A: Temination and Employment-at-Will

HR Q&A: Health Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

HR Q&A: Checking Physical Abilities and Physical Exams

HR Q&A: HIPAA Privacy Rules- The Right to Sue

HR Q&A: COBRA Notification Requirements-Notices of Unavailability and Early Termination

HR Q&A: Choosing between 401(k) and a Roth 401 (k)





HR Q&A: Access to Personnel Files

HR Q&A: Jury Duty Pay

HR Q&A: COBRA- Internal Procedures

HR Q&A: Dress and Hygiene

HR Q&A: Retention of Personnel Files

HR Q&A: Total Compensation Statements

HR Q&A: Interview Questions to Avoid

HR Q&A: Arrests and Convictions

HR Q&A: Workers' Compensation Basics

HR Q&A: Long-term Disability

HR Q&A: Charging for COBRA

HR Q&A: What HIPAA Does

HR Q&A: Email Communication Privacy

HR Q&A: Employment At Will Restrictions

HR Q&A: COBRA Notification Requirements- General and Election Notices

HR Q&A: Resonable Accomodation for Emergency Evacuation

HR Q&A: Disciplinary Action for Email Communication

HR Q&A: FMLA Notice Requirements

HR Q&A: COBRA Length of Entitlement- Medicare

HR Q&A: Reasons for FMLA Leave

HR Q&A: COBRA Notification Requirements- Additional Plan Administrator Responsibilities

HR Q&A: 401(k) and Roth 401(k) Basics

HR Q&A: State and Federal Labor Laws

HR Q&A: Return to Job After FMLA Leave

HIPAA Privacy Rule- Methods for De-idenifying PHI

Employee Benefit Compliance Chart: Notice and Disclosure Rules

Eleventh Circuit Rules Wellness Program Complies with the ADA

Employee Beenfits Compliance Checklist for Small Employers

HSA Questions and Answers

FMLA Guidelines

IRS COBRA Audit Guidelines

Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage Disclosure Notices

Cafeteria Plans: Mid-Year Election Changes

Excise Tax for Group Health Plan Violations

Employer Record Retention Requirements