
Health Care Reform

Health Care Reform Guidance and Employee Benefits Management
How Health Care Reform will Affect Employers, Employees
Meridian Benefits Consulting recognizes the massive nature of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). We know that Health Care Reform changes the way employers make business decisions now and for the future. Meridian Benefits Consulting is a trusted advisor to help you navigate Health Care Reform. This all consuming reform legislation is the impetus for much of MBC’s work around building business strategy, decision making tools for employers and innovative options around managing the choices and impact of Health Care Reform.
To help our clients execute strategies related to PPACA, Meridian Benefits Consulting provides:
·  Health Care Reform Guidance
·  Access to Health Care Reform specialists
·  Initial discovery meeting
·  Completion of MBC’s analysis tools relating to Health Care Reform
·  Grandfather status determination checklist completion for upcoming medical plan renewal and for             any options being considered
·  Notice requirements checklist
·  Health Care Reform open enrollment notice for upcoming renewal
·  Employer and employee education
·  Compliance assistance in an ever changing landscape
·  Tools for Employers
·  Annual health care reform provision checklist – A checklist of health care reform compliance                   items from March 23, 2010 through upcoming medical plan renewal
·  Grandfathered plan status calculator – determination checklist for upcoming medical plan                         renewal and for any options being considered
·  Mandated notices / notice requirements checklist
·  Healthcare Reform Bulletins